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Loss of appetite problems

Loss of appetite Meaning

Nowadays the problem of lack of appetite in children is increasing. Apart from this, adults also face loss of appetite. The main reason for this may be not eating at the right time. Suffering from some diseases leads to loss of appetite. Many people do not feel hungry or do not feel like eating food due to constipation or stomach related problems. Sudden loss of body weight causes loss of appetite. If he does not wish to eat, he starts vomiting or feels nauseated when he is forced to eat. People who have been losing appetite for a long time, So this condition is called anorexia in medical language. After eating food, a person should take a walk outside and take air so that the food can be digested properly. Apart from this, you can exercise a little before eating, this increases the appetite further. To treat the problem of loss of appetite, the doctor may do some blood tests and X-rays and ultrasound of the abdomen. Let us tell you in detail about the problem of loss of appetite in this article.

What is the reason for loss of appetite?

Loss of appetite can mean the cause of some kind of disease. Apart from this, there is a decrease in appetite due to the attack of infection. If the problem of loss of appetite is internal, then doctors try to prevent it by treating it. Some symptoms may occur due to the spread of the infection.

  • Eg: Hepatitis 
  • Kidney infection.
  • Liver swelling.
  • Pneumonia.
  • HIV infection.
  • Some diseases cause loss of appetite.
  • For example: having Crohn’s disease.
  • Colon cancer.
  • Celiac disease.
  • Some medicines cause loss of appetite as a side effect.
  • When a person is mentally stressed, there is a decrease in appetite.
  • Some risk factors that increase the problem of loss of appetite.
  • Heart failure.
  • Pain.
  • Anemia.
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Dementia disease.
  • First month of pregnancy.
  • Flatulence

What are the symptoms of loss of appetite?

The symptoms of loss of appetite appear on the basis of the reasons. Lack of appetite in many children makes them victims of malnutrition. When food is not supplied properly, there is a decrease in the muscles. In some people, the loss of appetite lasts for some time and in some people it can last for a long time. Some of the symptoms of loss of appetite are explained in detail below. 

  • Do not eat after smelling the food.
  • Don’t like the taste of food.
  • Difficulty in swallowing food.
  • Quick filling of the stomach with little food.
  • Eating one type of food
  • Trying to eat food when you don’t like it.
  • If your child’s weight is suddenly decreasing, then you should contact the doctor and get treatment.

Starvation test? (Diagnosis of Loss of Appetite)

In case of loss of appetite, the doctor asks the patient about his old disease history, besides measuring the height and weight of the patient and comparing it with the previous one. Asks in detail about previous drug intake to facilitate diagnosis. You can also ask questions related to diet. Others may also ask, such as: What symptoms are you having or how much do you weigh now. Apart from this, some tests can be done to test the patient.

  • Taking an X-ray of the chest.
  • Abdominal ultrasound.
  • To do blood test
  • Liver and thyroid examination. 
  • stress testing.
  • CT scan of chest and head.
  • Advising to change the habit of alcohol.
  • HIV testing of pregnant women.

What is the treatment for loss of appetite?

To treat loss of appetite, the doctor understands the cause of the patient, then prescribes treatment to overcome the problem. If there is a loss of appetite due to infection, then some medicines are given which reduce the infection. Loss of appetite is mostly due to internal reasons, which needs to be treated quickly. Doctors try to cure some complex problems through various treatments.

  • Doctors can give some of the following suggestions to overcome the lack of appetite, so that you can get rid of the problem of lack of appetite.
  • You should exercise daily. This increases your appetite.
  • This problem can be solved by taking anti-nausea medicines.
  • If you have weakness then start consuming nutrients.
  • Try to keep away anxiety and stress.
  • If you are having constipation, fatigue, stomach cramps, then you may be advised to take electrolyte supplements.
  • In some serious problems, the doctor completes the nutritional deficiency of the patient. For which nutrients are administered through a tube.

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