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Solutions for a missing front tooth

If you lose a tooth, your mouth will feel very strange for a while until it gets used to it. If a front tooth has fallen out, it can actually be quite painful as it is one of the first things people will notice when you start talking. Obviously, a missing front tooth is something that most people will want to fix right away, but there are a lot of options when considering it.

You may consult a professional dentist for the proper replacement of your missing teeth. However, there are many dental options for missing front teeth. And the best part is that due to advancements in materials and techniques, this replacement tooth will just look natural like your own teeth.

Why replace a missing front tooth?

In addition to wisdom teeth, commutative teeth that are missing or extracted are of great importance for oral health and general health. Teeth rely on each other to stay in position and work alongside the tongue, transforming proper biting, chewing and speaking skills. Losing a tooth throws off the balance of this symmetry, especially if a tooth is not replaced. During this case, the adjacent teeth move into the open space left by a missing tooth, causing bite problems. The replacement of missing teeth in the back of the mouth is equally important as tooth replacement in the middle of the smile area and brings a certain sense of urgency, as reassurance and cosmetic appearance become a priority.

What are the options for replacing missing front tooth?

Are you missing one or more front teeth? How to fix the missing tooth in front? Front teeth are highly visible and play an important role in your smile. So if issues occur with your smile then it can create self-consciousness. Early replacement is recommended to prevent displacement, loosening and loss of other teeth. There are many causes for missing front teeth that include periodontal disease, tooth decay, trauma or congenital issue or any gum disease.  Whatever the reason for the missing teeth, it can badly affect the alignment of your teeth and can cause many other problems if not treated. Here we will discuss different missing front tooth solutions available for the replacements of the missing front teeth and the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The following are the solutions for the missing front tooth replacement:

  • Implants
  • Dentures
  • Bridges


An implant is a post of a metal element that is placed under the gum line of a missing front tooth and acts as a man-made root. It also serves as an associate degree anchor for the final crown and prevents bone and gum tissue degradation in the space. This is often necessary because when a tooth comes out with the passage of time, your jawbone begins to rebuild. Bone loss changes the shape of your jaw. This can move the tooth to the place where your tooth is missing, causing many problems and complications. Additionally, to prevent this defect, an associate degree implant will be used which will act like a natural tooth. It does not attach to the surrounding teeth.

This is the easiest long-term option for many people with missing teeth. A well-designed dental implant-retaining crown is the closest you’ll get to the design and feel of your natural tooth.


  • Implants are fixed, so they don’t move. Therefore, it will feel safe
  • Implants do not decay like natural teeth
  • This feature does not require cutting adjacent teeth so they remain healthy
  • When used to replace a single tooth, it is easier to wash around an implant than a bridge
  • The implant has the advantage of a long-lasting option for replacement
  • The implant prevents any bone loss so that the structure of the jaw is maintained


  • In general, proper integration of the implant requires a longer treatment time which may take several weeks.
  • Surgery is required to place an implant in your mouth to replace a missing front tooth.
  • It has a relatively high initial cost, although in the long-term run it will be quite cheaper than the opposite choice.


Dentures are artificial removable teeth that replace a missing tooth. Some people get dentures for many missing teeth, while others want to replace one or more teeth. Dentures will be a long-term solution but are less permanent than dental implants.

There are many different types of dentures available that can be used  as options for replacing missing front tooth:

1. Single tooth dentures/ Flippers/ Removable Partial dentures

Single tooth dentures, or flippers, replace only one missing front teeth. They’re a sort of partial denture. Single tooth dentures don’t seem to be strong; therefore you can’t chew with them. They work temporary as a cosmetic tooth replacement (for example, whereas you’re looking ahead to associate implant or bridge).

2. Removable Complete dentures

Complete dentures also are known as full dentures. They are replacements for entire sets of teeth. Like natural teeth or implants, that are anchored into the bone, complete dentures are not as stable as them.

3. Implant supported bridge/ Fixed Partial dentures

missing front tooth implant

Fixed partial dentures (FPD) are also known as implant-supported bridges. Fixed partial dentures replace a missing front tooth with 2 dental implants and an artificial tooth or dentures in between. They are permanently fixed or inserted into the mouth.

4. Implant retained dentures/ Overdentures

An overdenture, collectively known as an implant-retained denture, is placed over your gums by dental implants. Most overdentures are placed with at least four implants, however, this may not last forever. Overdentures can be placed in the upper or lower jaw or both.

5. Economy dentures

Dentists don’t use economy dentures as a result of they’ll damage your mouth and result in poor oral hygiene. Economy dentures are premade, generic, and cheap. They’re not customized for your mouth. A plate adhesive is additionally necessary to hold the dentures in place.

6. Immediate dentures

After all of your teeth are extracted, you have to wait a minimum of six to eight weeks before traditional dentures are placed. This offers your mouth enough time to heal. Removable immediate dentures are placed directly when your natural teeth are extracted.

7. All on 4 implant dentures

All-on-4 implant dentures are ideal for patients who want a full set of teeth. They replace all missing teeth within the upper and/or lower jaws using four dental implants. You cannot remove dental plaque yourself, but your dentist will remove it.

Advantages Of Dentures:

  • Treatment is complete within a few weeks.
  • Surgery is not required when using dentures.
  • It is a cheaper option than the opposite choice. However, dentures will need to be replaced after a few years for better function, as the jawbone beneath the dentures shrinks over time.

Disadvantages of Dentures:

  • Dental plaque can become unstable, especially when you are eating.
  • Difficult to induce, as these are denture options that must be held in place.
  • It will collect plaque or excess food without delay.
  • A plate does not prevent bone loss. Because the loss of bone impairs the function of the plate, requiring further work.


missing a front tooth

As the name suggests, this is a fixed missing front tooth bridge option for replacing the missing front teeth. A dental bridge is an artificial tooth that is supported by the adjacent natural teeth on both sides. A well-constructed bridge may look realistic and may be a valuable option for some patients. However, there are several things to consider. Cleaning a bridge takes extra work because it requires completely different hygiene than a natural tooth. It also won’t prevent bone loss. As a result, your teeth must still move around your missing tooth and you will need to replace the bridge in the future. This option is now considered unsuitable as it can cause semi-permanent damage to the supporting teeth.


  • Short-term treatment is completed within a few weeks.
  • No need for surgery for a bridge.
  • Bridges are fixed prosthetic teeth so they feel more secure.
  • Minimally no teeth cutting is required, as the bridge is just stuck to the back of the adjacent teeth.


  • Healthy adjacent teeth may need to be reduced to create a bridge.
  • The bridge costs a lot to construct.
  • Often difficult to stay clean as flossing around and under the bridge is not easy.
  • There is a greater risk of decay within the teeth supporting the bridge, as it is difficult to properly clean all areas.
  • If one bridge support is compromised, the entire bridge may have to be discarded and replaced.
  • They do not prevent bone loss, so the bone will still shrink under a bridge.

How much does it cost in replacing a Missing Front Tooth?

  • The cost for an implant ranges between $3,000 and $5,000
  • The cost for the partial dentures are priced between $600 and $1,000
  • The cost of bridges ranges between $2,000 and $3,000

Your dental costs are also affected by external factors such as dentist fees, laboratory and material costs, type of therapy, and location of treatment.

What is the cheapest way to fix a missing front tooth?

In general, the replacement of your front teeth is dentistry. Therefore, cosmetic operations performed by a dentist will not be performed by health care. The cost may also depend on the care you receive in your mouth and the doctor you consult.

General dentists and orthodontists do not charge equal fees. They sometimes endorse their qualifications, the firm’s geographic location, experience, quality and services.

Bridges are the most cost-effective way to replace the missing front tooth. They are quick and straightforward to make. This procedure does not involve surgery or crown replacement. Partial dentures are available second on the affordability score.


What to do about missing teeth?

If you lose a tooth, your mouth will feel very strange for a while until it gets used to it. You may consult a professional dentist for the proper replacement of you missing teeth. There are many missing front tooth options available for the replacement of the missing teeth such as implants, dentures and bridges.

Can a missing tooth grow back?

Currently, missing teeth cannot grow back. Options such as dental implants, bridges, and dentures will serve as artificial replacements for missing teeth. The right prospect for you will depend on the amount of damage and injury, how many teeth you have lost, your overall health and your budget.

Does missing front teeth affect speech?

If you lose a tooth, your mouth will feel very strange for a while until it gets used to it. You may consult a professional dentist for the proper replacement of you missing teeth. There are many missing front tooth options available for the replacement of the missing teeth such as implants, dentures and bridges.

What to do about missing teeth?

The simple answer is yes. Teeth are necessary for individuals to be able to pronounce some words that become distorted if the person has a missing front tooth. Our teeth, lips, jaw, tongue, and even cheeks are all concerned and might have an effect on our speech. If you have got any front teeth missing, you’ll struggle to pronounce
certain sounds. These are called strident sounds, and they are caused by the friction and airflow once your tongue or lips push against the front teeth


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