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What to eat to increase immunity?

Immunity Meaning

Due to weak immunity, people easily fall prey to diseases, such as cold and fever etc. In many people, the problem of cold and cold persists for a long time. That’s why such foods should be included in your diet which strengthens your immunity. Many people may not know why they always fall sick and keep taking antibiotics. However, you have to reduce the intake of fried foods and junk food from outside, instead it is beneficial for you to eat a balanced diet and foods containing vitamin C. Let us tell you in detail in this article what to eat to increase the immunity of the body.

What to eat to increase immunity?

To increase immunity, you can consume the following diet so that you do not get sick quickly. Let us know in detail.

  • Consume lemon – Lemon naturally has many medicinal properties. Antibiotic, anti-viral, antioxidant, anti-bacterial and vitamin C is found in large quantities in it. That’s why lemon helps in reducing many types of diseases of the body. Taking lemon water daily will remove the lack of water in the body, along with it strengthens the immune system. According to some research, lemon makes immunity strong. 
  • Amla strengthens immunity – Amla is beneficial for hair and eyes as it contains high amounts of Vitamin C. Apart from this, it helps in strengthening the immunity of the body so that the strength to fight diseases remains. You can also take amla juice or amla jam.
  • Green Tea – Green tea is very beneficial for health as well as helps in strengthening immunity. You can start your morning with green tea as it contains a good amount of antioxidants. Keep in mind that only two cups of green tea should be consumed in a day because taking more can cause harm. 
  • Consuming oats — Often people like to include oats in their diet to lose weight because it contains sufficient amount of fibers. Along with this, it also has anti-microbial properties which increase your immunity. That’s why include oats in your breakfast daily and make your immunity strong.
  • Consume raw turmeric – Turmeric has many anti-bacterial properties which boost the body’s immunity. That’s why turmeric must be included in your diet. Along with increasing immunity, turmeric prevents eye problems, skin diseases, heart attack, heart attack etc. Apart from this, turmeric helps in reducing weight. Turmeric helps in healing wounds. Drinking turmeric milk daily strengthens the body’s immune system.
  • Consume onions – Like garlic, onions contain a compound called allicin which helps prevent infection. Apart from this, it reduces the risk of allergies and cancer. Include onion in your diet. If you want, you can consume onion in salad.
  • Consume leafy vegetables – Leafy vegetables are very beneficial in the diet to increase the immunity of the body. A good amount of vitamins and minerals are found in green vegetables which help in preventing diseases. Spinach, broccoli, fenugreek, avocado etc. can be consumed in green vegetables.
  • Consume garlic – Garlic naturally has medicinal properties which help in boosting the immunity of the body. According to some studies, it is considered beneficial in curing genetic diseases. Garlic helps in preventing cold and flu problems and infections. Do not forget to include garlic in the diet.
  • Consume cinnamon – Cinnamon is often no less than a panacea for a diabetic patient because cinnamon helps in controlling diabetes. Apart from this, it has the property of increasing immunity power. Cinnamon proves effective in reducing the risk of diseases like cancer.

Other things related to immunity –

  • Taking more stress weakens the immunity of a person due to which he starts getting sick. One should try to remain stress free as much as possible.
  • Often people have the habit of watching TV and mobile for a long time. Due to this there is a problem of insomnia which gradually weakens the body’s immune system. So, make a habit of sleeping and getting up early.
  • People who consume alcohol and smoke excessively, their immunity becomes very weak. Because of this they fall ill more. Change the habit of drinking and smoking so that you do not fall ill.
  • Not doing exercise and yoga daily affects the fitness of the body, along with it the body becomes weak and starts falling sick. That’s why make a habit of doing exercise and yoga daily and make your immunity strong so that your body can fight against external bacteria.

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